How Elizabeth Taylor Can Teach you about Saving Money even now

Sadly, Elizabeth Taylor has died after living an incredible life. She was an amazing actress, business woman, and overall incredible person. It is amazing what we can learn from Elizabeth Taylor when it comes to saving money. I have found that the lives of amazing people can often teach us about the day-to-day things that matter to our lives.

Elizabeth Taylor is no exception. I believe that her life and her accomplishments can help us succeed in our lives.

There were certain things that Elizabeth Taylor did that set her apart from the rest. Her beauty was one of the most telling aspects of her appeal but there was more. Here is a quick list of things that we can learn:

1. Beauty – Her beauty was amazing. People came from around the world just to catch a glimpse of her. Men would clamor just for a string of her hair. Every picture and every photo op I ever saw of Elizabeth Taylor was right on. She made sure she always was always on her game. Her hair, makeup, clothing, etc. was pristine. We can learn from this. Are you leaving and going through your day putting that much attention to your savings? Is your Savings Account Beautiful to you? Are you taking pride in it (managing it)? Are you always making it look better and better? Ask these questions everyday.

2. Don’t succeed, try again – Elizabeth Taylor was married 8 times to 7 husbands. Talk about not making it work. But, the thing she did do was try try again. For those of us who are married or have been married, can you imagine being married 8 times? That seems crazy to me. But, for you and I, it is safe to say that we can learn to try again even when we have tried many times before. I think one of the hardest things about saving is to continually do it even when you feel like there isn’t an end. Those are the times to keep trying and keep starting over again. The lesson here, when you fail at savings, try try again.

3. Be an All-star – Elizabeth Taylor was the ultimate all-star. The way she carried herself was always full of confidence. When she was done with one project, she went on to another. And the next project she did, was bigger and better than the one before. She made sure she always did more than she had already done. That is what you and I need to do with our savings. Don’t try to just save the minimum everyday. Try to save more and more. Tomorrow, put extra money in your savings account and be crazy. Doing something that scares you (It is not like your money is gone). I would warn against putting the money into a CD or instrument that you can’t get to. But give it a shot. Try to one up yourself and put more money in your savings than before.

4. Be Consistent – After all these years, and even after her death, Elizabeth Taylor’s perfume line ‘White Diamonds’ is still number one. Talk about a long run. She stuck with White Diamonds for a long time. She was known for it. An institution. That is what we need to become. A savings institution. The day in day out act of saving is the road to success. My advice is to save a little each day. I spoke about savings being an everyday thing like beauty was for Elizabeth Taylor. It constantly needs to be in the front of your mind. Everyday put some money in the savings account literally. Make sure you go to the bank and make a deposit. If you don’t have a savings account, get a piggy bank or put the money in a sock drawer. Whatever it is, make sure you are doing it every day for the rest of your life. Don’t worry, the longer you do it, the easier it gets and you forget about it.

I hope you enjoyed this post as much as I enjoyed writing it. If you would like more information on Saving Money visit Elizabeth Taylor was an amazing person, actress, business woman, wife, and mother. She will be missed.


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~ by tfwire on August 8, 2013.

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